
L'utilizzo del realt time clock DS1302RTC.

Prova del RTC

Cosa serve:

  • DS1302RTC
  • resistenza
  • cavetti

Codice sorgente:

//                                                                                                       //|
//                          Include files required for Program Function Begin                            //|
//                                                                                                       //|
#include "virtuabotixRTC.h"                                                                              //|
//                                                                                                       //|
//                          Include files required for Program Function End                              //|
//                                                                                                       //|
// inserire resistenza da 220 ohm sul pin dati 
// http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=205996.0
// alimentare a 3.3 V
// Creation of the Real Time Clock Object
//                   CLK DAT RST
virtuabotixRTC myRTC(6, 7, 8);

void setup()  {      

// Set the current date, and time in the following format:
// seconds, minutes, hours, day of the week, day of the month, month, year
  // myRTC.setDS1302Time(00, 59, 23, 6, 10, 1, 2014);
  // togliere in commento per aggiornare l'orario
  // rimettere il commento per l'utilizzo normale
  // myRTC.setDS1302Time(00, 28, 10, 6, 10, 2, 2018);

//                                                                                                       //|   
//                         Printout by accessing Single Element objects BEGIN                            //|   
//                                                                                                       //|   
//                                                                                                       //|   
//  This example utilizes the Serial.print function to access individual data elements, this allows for  //|
//  user defined output format.                                                                          //|
//                                                                                                       //|   
void loop()  {                                                                                           //| 
// This allows for the update of variables for time or accessing the individual elements.                //|
  myRTC.updateTime();                                                                                    //| 
// Start printing elements as individuals                                                                //|   
  Serial.print("Current Date / Time: ");                                                                 //| 
  Serial.print(myRTC.dayofmonth);                                                                        //| 
  Serial.print("/");                                                                                     //| 
  Serial.print(myRTC.month);                                                                             //| 
  Serial.print("/");                                                                                     //| 
  Serial.print(myRTC.year);                                                                              //| 
  Serial.print("  ");                                                                                    //| 
  Serial.print(myRTC.hours);                                                                             //| 
  Serial.print(":");                                                                                     //| 
  Serial.print(myRTC.minutes);                                                                           //| 
  Serial.print(":");                                                                                     //| 
  Serial.println(myRTC.seconds);                                                                         //| 
// Delay so the program doesn't print non-stop                                                           //| 
  delay( 5000);                                                                                          //| 
}                                                                                                        //| 
//                                                                                                       //|    
//                                   Printout using BUFFER objects BEGIN                                 //|    
//                                                                                                       //|    





Scarica tutto quello che serve:




ZappocoS, 10 febbraio 2018